By Alan James

It is very hard to ignore the complaints of religious organizations when they speak out against how holidays that were actually established by the Catholic religion are being taken over by things the Papacy stands so firmly against. If you'll look at a holiday like Saint Patrick's for instance, you'll see that it no longer even vaguely resembles the honor and stiff religious prestige it once did. Now the day in question is nothing but a revelry of raucous behavior in silly Irish shirts.

Saint Patrick's Day has been celebrated since before the 16th century, and has been a religious holiday since the very beginning. Saint Patrick was actually a monk who brought Christianity to the pagans of Ireland. Ireland is predominantly Catholic now because of Saint Patrick's efforts, so it is understandable that the Catholic Church holds him in enough esteem to celebrate his life. Holding him in such high regards, how could they possibly be happy about the crazy Irish tee shirts and behavior of the youth?

The fault doesn't lay entirely on the young people of this country, but they certainly have picked up the ball and run with it as far as Saint Patrick's Day parties go. When you go anywhere on that particular day, you are guaranteed to see some young people out on the way to some watering hole with crazy Irish tee shirts on and a glean in their eye. That gleam in their eye has nothing to do with an excitement to honor St. Patrick at the local church, I promise you.

I have seen good Catholics do many things to try and curb the downhill run of Saint Patrick's Day celebrations. I have seen local churches stage concerts, lock-in events, and all kinds of things to try and draw young adults through their doors and away from heavy drinking and general craziness. It's a pretty feeble effort though when you consider the popularity of the holiday. All you have to do is get on the Internet and see how many people actually sell Irish drinking shirts for proof.

As far as I am concerned, you can rock out in your drinking Irish tshirts all night long on Saint Patrick's Day. Not only am I not really all that religious by nature, but I am very likely to be right next to you at the bar ordering a pint of green beer with you. What I do suggest, however, is that you take just a minute of your precious time to look up the historical facts concerning this holiday that we have butchered through the years. It's not so much to request, really. It might give you something interesting to talk about between shots of whiskey.

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