By Helen Brooks

Imagine that someone wanted to do some research on cars and asked an elderly man who offered plenty of experience what car was a favorite, in most cases an older vintage car would be chosen. This is not only because of the classic style that the car has but also the fact that older cars were built a lot stronger than newer ones and therefore a lot more reliable. The same can be said for the Porsche 911 SC, while it might be an older car it's still a beautiful piece.

Women and men have different way of going through the process of choosing the best car either for their family or for themselves. This affects the purchasing of any car. For example women would rather choose a more comfortable, bigger, one that has less power but is a lot more reliable as to offer safety, while a man would choose something that is much faster and looks better as to impress.

Comparing cars in the world today to those that were on the market years back, brings up plenty of differences between the two markets with some more apparent than others. Due to the fact that cars today are so complicated and computerized, it brings up the biggest difference between the two types. In many cars today, one needs a special reader that hooks up to the car that needs repair, and gets told what is wrong and while this alone sounds like an easy process, it brings up its own from of problems.

A huge contributor to the purchasing of a car is the amount of money one has in order to cement the deal that is about to be made. As the biggest aspect that will affect the type of car that will leave the lot that day, it should not be left out. When someone enters a car lot, the salesmen must be trained with the ability to be able to see the person and know the price range they are in.

It's the responsibility of the customer to voice what they need to the salesmen. Ask a strong willed individual to accompany with for the sale as to assist not allowing the sales to drift far from what is needed from the start should one get carried away. The salesmen need to be made aware of all the pointers the customer needs in order to satisfy the client.

Comparing cars on the lot can be fun but also take a lot of time. A great way to do this is by test driving the top choices. This will not only give the driver a feel for the car but also which they are more comfortable with.

Second hand cars are a big part of the market today. Mileage of the car bought should be the biggest concern. A reliable car brand is almost just as important.

In conclusion make sure that the car many can repair and the parts are easily obtained, so that should something happen it's easily fixed. Be wise during the sale. While cars like the 911 SC are classic they might not be the best choice for a family.

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