By Paul Wagner

For a lot of us it is a joy and a dream to have a pet. You may be thinking of getting a dog now that you are in Seattle WA. You may have your heart set upon a French bulldog and you are thinking of making a visit to a French bulldog breeder WA for your needs and probable purchase. Prior to doing so, do read this article first for more information.

This breed, sometimes called the frenchie, is not a very long lived breed. It only has on average a lifespan of eight to ten years, so its dietary and health maintenance needs have to be met if you want it to live a bit longer. It also does to tend to suffer a bit more from eye problems as compared to other dogs, cataracts in particular.

Its smaller than average airway, being more compact, and its pug nose, make it harder for it to control and regulate its body temperature. Thus it will not do for it to live in places with extreme climatic conditions like subarctic and tropical ones. Thus if you do live in these areas, you may need to think twice about getting these dogs.

It is much smaller than the English bulldog, and it has a wider girth and smaller legs. Its ears are also always erect like a bat. Unlike the British bulldog however, it does not have much of an alpha dog tendency so it is safe to keep it around other animals and small children. Females of this breed are also known to be very protective of their young and whatever they may care for.

The energy level of this breed can be graded as a medium according to dog experts. However despite this, they can be quite content being inactive for the better part of the day, and so are quite adapted to small house living. It is important to give them at least a thirty minute walk everyday for them to be able to stretch their legs.

Quite a few previous owners will also tell you that this dog loves attention, and it wants a lot of it. Many will say they are attention whores and want to be attended to most if not all of the time. If on the chance it feels neglected, it will let out a ululating howl which many have termed as the French death yodel.

Their fun personality and loving nature has been a boon for this dog as these two distinct traits makes it a very popular breed indeed. It has always landed in the top ten most popular dog breeds in both United Kingdom and US charts for dogs. Thus if you have decided n getting this particular breed, you will be one of very many indeed.

Thus this article has shown some basic facts you need to know about the frenchie so that you will be better prepared to take care of one. Remember to do more research on this dog for it takes a lot of commitment and responsibility to become a good pet and dog owner.

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