By Jone Carducci

After you have spent hours upgrading your diesel truck engine, adding that Smarty tuner or Edge programmer, improving the suspension, plus sizing the tires and installing an aftermarket air intake system, your truck probably looks great and runs even better. While you might be tempted to spend 24/7 driving and polishing your ride, there are others ways to spend your free time, such as reading a truck magazine. Here are a few of the top publications about performance trucks.

Truckin' Magazine is a definite must-read for anyone who loves performance trucks. Each edition includes a variety of features from articles about truck shows, informative pieces about how you can upgrade your truck, reviews of new products and much more. The website offers a good amount of information, as well, including access to an online truck forum. A one-year subscription, which includes 13 issues, costs about $25, so it also makes an affordable gift.

Truck Trend is another option, and this periodical covers both pick-ups and SUVs. This magazine is a bit pricier, with just six for about $20, but for a few dollars less, you can subscribe to the digital version of the magazine. Truck Trend reviews many different makes and models of trucks and includes information about shows, the latest gear and repair and upgrade advice. There is also a website for Truck Trend packed with tons of helpful and interesting information.

If you have a diesel truck, then you definitely want to consider a subscription to Diesel Power. This monthly contains helpful information about everything from easy fixes for common truck problems to features showcasing some awesome diesel trucks. There are also features about diesel truck drag racing and reviews of products and the latest diesel trucks to hit the market. You can purchase a yearly subscription for $20 or opt for the digital version, which is just $15 a year. This price includes one issue each month.

A yearly subscription to Diesel World, another popular publication, includes monthly features about both diesel trucks and cars. One issue might include an article about hand-built injectors while another might include tips for making towing easier. The website also includes sections specifically for GM trucks, Ford trucks and Dodge trucks. Diesel World costs $20 each year, which includes an issue each month.

For the latest news about products for diesel trucks, as well as helpful automotive tips, check out Diesel Tech magazine, which costs $20 for eight issues per year. This publication deals mainly with project trucks and work trucks, rather than show trucks. A typical issue would include industry news and helpful articles about maintenance and upgrades.

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