By Leticia Jensen

The outside surface of the product you are manufacturing needs to look just as good as the item performs what it is supposed to. This will enable the customer to recognize it as a piece of pride for your firm. Painting is one way of doing this, however, the powder coating Statesville NC specialty shops offer for this service is a very popular one and should be considered.

Each item that is fabricated to combine together for your product must be protected from the elements. This is because the welding that must be done or the sanding that is part of a cleaning process does not always look good. The paint you could put on them will often chip and flake off. The powder coat that is available will not as this is applied in a unique way.

A large percentage of all items seen on the shelves, today, have this type of coating. It is a solid looking, often colorful, coat that resists much. It is used on computer cases and most appliances. It is used on plumbing fixtures, even those used in large water and sewer treatment plants because of its durable nature. It has a way of making everything it is on more durable and less susceptible to abrasion and other outside damage.

When setting up a traditional painting system, a lot of space must be utilized. The area must have systems for cleaning, laying or hanging the parts to be painted. This all must be dust free. The drying area is used, sometimes for hours at a time, to ensure the complete curing of the paint. This is a lot of space to be devoted to this.

The powder coating process does not require as much room, although it still needs to be fairly dust free. Many large firms will have separate areas set up for this, however, the smaller fabricators will need an outside service provider to pick up and deliver these items. They need to concentrate their space on manufacturing and leaving this work to others trained in this process.

This process is fairly simple and can be conducted with appropriate training. The parts are cleaned through baths or sandblasting. They are then hooked up to an electrical charge and sprayed with the special resins. This positive charge, combined with the negative charge of the powder, will hold it on the part. Then it goes into the oven.

Heating the oven to between about 200 degrees and 400 degrees will allow the shortest amount of time for curing the powder unto the metal piece. This will melt and flow into many of the recesses and most of the imperfections that may be present. This curing takes place very quickly and presents a durable, colorful surface that will resist abrasions and abuse.

Time and money that is saved because of the use of a professional firm to do this powder coating can be spent in other areas. Whether you set this equipment up in your plant or take advantage of an outside firm is your choice. This can certainly level the field as far as presentation of items offered by smaller companies against those offered by larger firms.

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