By Jody Leach

Life on earth is never easy for all of its inhabitants. Since the beginning, man has defended himself, his loved ones, and all his possessions from imminent danger. Due to this, he has also developed ways to better defend himself via the creation of weapons that aim to hinder danger from closing in. He is also equipped with survival instincts to help him overcome adversaries.

Aside from these, people also get in conflict with other people. Even before the advent of far more sophisticated weaponry, tribes have engaged in wars with other tribes. Today, in these far more civilized times, people still engage in such fights, only this time they are armed in more advanced stuff that needs to be placed in areas such as under seat gun storage to assure of their safety.

A gun is the object that is tubular in shape which most humans use to defend themselves. This thing is known to project bullets at trajectories that could be fatal for those at the receiving end. It makes extensive use of the various principles of physics in order for these contraptions to work. When the bullets this spews out hits major body organs, one can die from loss of blood.

The said object is actually made for use by police officers and other peace keeping personnel. They are also made for security providers such as establishment guards and personal bodyguards. Today, hunters have their own to be used when hunting. Even the ordinary citizens have their own. The people who have one often choose to use it to harm others, which is why most fatal accidents often involve gun use.

But, curiously, more and more civilians own their own firearms. This has led to the increase of gun related accidents and fatalities, which in turn alarmed the authorities. They responded by giving out rules that every weapon holder must abide, lest they suffer the consequences.

But, there are also those who get guns to threaten and even hurt their enemies. This is why everyone is required to carry a license if they really want to own one. Furthermore, they are also required to follow certain standards that are being set by the industry. In connection, the NRA has also released their own guidelines for responsible gun ownership.

People are also advised not to place the finger on the trigger all the time. This can result to accidental firing, as it is the reflex of the person to pull the trigger when they are startled or surprised. To avoid hitting somebody you do not intend to hit, keep your finger away from the trigger and place it one the side instead.

Remove all bullets when the weapon will not be used. This way, even when the trigger is pulled, no one will get hurt or worse, get killed. This one is very importance especially for households that house small kids.

Others use a safe. This keeps the thing safe until it is used. Some even have a safety compartments under car seats, as with police patrol cars. This allows the officer to defend himself in the times of emergency and his firearm is compromised.

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