Did you ever wonder which is the oldest capital of South America? Let me tell you more about Quito, Ecuador's best kept secret.......
The capital of Ecuador has been one of the first cities to be nominated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, but in spite of that, in has not become a well-known tourist destination until quite recently. For those living in Quito in the the seventies, it would have been hard to believe that in a few decades, the city would become the most graceful capital of South America with gorgeous old strolls and well restored monuments.
As Lima developed as the administrative center of the Southern colonies of the Hispanic crown, Quito became the epicenter of religion with dozens of churches and monasteries, many of which somehow made it through significant earthquakes. But times were hard on Ecuador and many buildings had fallen in disarray, but with the UNESCO nomination, all historical buildings became full protected and now most buildings have returned to their old glory albeit with new functions, like eating places, inns, museums or private homes. The beautifully redesigned plazas and connecting historical walks, are heavily protected by police and visitors of all ages pass casually through this peaceable heaven of colonial history, little shops, gorgeous residences many of which having been transformed into cafs and posadas (inns). What makes Ecuador's capital so special, is that it primarily frequented by its Ecuadorians. families play and picnic in the parks and the plazas. While there are tourists there numbers are not overpowering.
It would probably be a good idea to take a half day's city tour to get familiarized, but to really enjoy the city one should walk through the alleys afterwards without a guide and sample a few restaurants on your own, emerge in Quito by night (yes police is still present) and enjoy the illuminated monuments or simply watch as the Quitenos go about their business. To Ecuadorians, historical Quito or "Casco viejo" as they call it, is the embodiment of their rich history.
Some of the nicest streets and squares are mainly for pedestrians and all of the old center can be best visited walking which really is the nicest way to enjoy the different plazas and monuments. The entire old city can be explored on foot in relatively brief strolls. When you feel tired, there are little eating places everywhere and prices are very modest.
There are more than 30 historical churches and chapels and it is impossible to name them all, but we like to at least mention the most graceful of all: The Compania Church with its renaissance faade and courtyard. The interior is covered with gold and is rich in renaissance statutes and paintings; Many consider it the prettiest church of the continent.
In 2008, Ecuador's capital Quito was highlighted in the travel section of the New York times, listing the capital of Ecuador as one of the 53 most interesting cities in the world for Americans to visit. Samantha Brown called Quito "Passport to Latin America" being the perfect place from where to initiate travel to discover South America. Since then, Quito has been highlighted in television programs of CBN and NBC, while many other magazines and newspapers have dedicated center fold sections to this previously undervalued most beautiful colonial capital of all the Americas.
In fact, the most impressive destinations in the continent starts with Ecuador, followed by Peru and the other Southern destinations, that can all conveniently be reached from Quito, the capital of Ecuador.
The capital of Ecuador has been one of the first cities to be nominated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, but in spite of that, in has not become a well-known tourist destination until quite recently. For those living in Quito in the the seventies, it would have been hard to believe that in a few decades, the city would become the most graceful capital of South America with gorgeous old strolls and well restored monuments.
As Lima developed as the administrative center of the Southern colonies of the Hispanic crown, Quito became the epicenter of religion with dozens of churches and monasteries, many of which somehow made it through significant earthquakes. But times were hard on Ecuador and many buildings had fallen in disarray, but with the UNESCO nomination, all historical buildings became full protected and now most buildings have returned to their old glory albeit with new functions, like eating places, inns, museums or private homes. The beautifully redesigned plazas and connecting historical walks, are heavily protected by police and visitors of all ages pass casually through this peaceable heaven of colonial history, little shops, gorgeous residences many of which having been transformed into cafs and posadas (inns). What makes Ecuador's capital so special, is that it primarily frequented by its Ecuadorians. families play and picnic in the parks and the plazas. While there are tourists there numbers are not overpowering.
It would probably be a good idea to take a half day's city tour to get familiarized, but to really enjoy the city one should walk through the alleys afterwards without a guide and sample a few restaurants on your own, emerge in Quito by night (yes police is still present) and enjoy the illuminated monuments or simply watch as the Quitenos go about their business. To Ecuadorians, historical Quito or "Casco viejo" as they call it, is the embodiment of their rich history.
Some of the nicest streets and squares are mainly for pedestrians and all of the old center can be best visited walking which really is the nicest way to enjoy the different plazas and monuments. The entire old city can be explored on foot in relatively brief strolls. When you feel tired, there are little eating places everywhere and prices are very modest.
There are more than 30 historical churches and chapels and it is impossible to name them all, but we like to at least mention the most graceful of all: The Compania Church with its renaissance faade and courtyard. The interior is covered with gold and is rich in renaissance statutes and paintings; Many consider it the prettiest church of the continent.
In 2008, Ecuador's capital Quito was highlighted in the travel section of the New York times, listing the capital of Ecuador as one of the 53 most interesting cities in the world for Americans to visit. Samantha Brown called Quito "Passport to Latin America" being the perfect place from where to initiate travel to discover South America. Since then, Quito has been highlighted in television programs of CBN and NBC, while many other magazines and newspapers have dedicated center fold sections to this previously undervalued most beautiful colonial capital of all the Americas.
In fact, the most impressive destinations in the continent starts with Ecuador, followed by Peru and the other Southern destinations, that can all conveniently be reached from Quito, the capital of Ecuador.
About the Author:
For 4 decades, Wesly Vanderhill has lived in the Andes of Ecuador and he shares his knowledge and high resolution pictures about highlights and other marvelous places of Ecuador
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