By Anita Ortega

Most countries in the developed and developing world are experiencing rising economies. The people have developed and adapted to the twenty four hour economy in most countries. This has also prompted a large number of rural to urban immigrants who travel in search of jobs and other opportunities. It has also resulted into need for adequate transport system to help in the movement of both goods and services. This has resulted into increased number of vehicles, motor cycles and bicycles to help in the transport services. In order to prevent overcrowding on along the roads, most towns have put up traffic control measures. These lights have also been installed with effective traffic signal battery backup system to enhance their effectiveness.

The rise in the number of both public and private vehicles in the urban roads has become inevitable. Quick means of transport is no longer a luxury but a necessity. This means that the vehicles are the best option that people have. This has given rise to several vehicles which have caused congestion in most urban roads. In order to ensure that there is smooth floor of traffic along the roads and streets, more traffic lights have been put up to guide motorists.

The several lights that have been put up in most urban areas have helped to reduce congestion along the roads. However, for the traffic lights to operate continuously, they need regular supply of power. This has for many years proven to be a real headache to most management organizations. This has also been attributed to low power production by most countries.

In most countries, there is poor infrastructural development. This makes it close to impossible to avail electricity to all the roads and streets to light up the lights. The use of on sight backup system has helped to light up areas without electricity. The choice of a system depends on the intended use.

The battery backups should be easy to install and maintain. They should not have high installation and maintenance costs. High costs will hinder the use of these systems. Most management will shy from purchasing the backup systems. Whenever they are damaged, it will be very difficult to replace or repair them if their costs are too high.

The battery backup systems should be capable of retaining as adequate power to light up the signaling systems. They backup should be able to serve for a long time before they run out of power. This ensures that the lighting systems operate at all time as expected. It also ensures that there is efficiency and effectiveness.

The systems should have an aspect of durability. That is, the systems should be able to support the signal lights for a long time before they are replaced. They should be able to be in operation long enough to allow the traffic planning and management committees to add address traffic related issues in other areas before they are replaced. This also enhances their effectiveness.

Most towns and cities would be in full disorder if the means of transport are not properly controlled. Most people would be late for work. Goods and services will not reach their intended destination. This justifies the need for adequate control. This is achieved through lights. Reliable and effective power backup system is necessary to enhance the smooth operation of these lights.

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